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In Canada since the 1600s  
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Welcome to the Bourbeau Family Website

UPDATE: 2020-11-07

This website is dedicated to the memory of Lucien and Eva Bourbeau who resided in the vicinity of Cold Lake, Fort Kent, Le Goff, and Bonnyville, Alberta during the 1900s.

This site is under constant change. Please don't expect that something you found in one spot will be in the same spot a few weeks from now. It's the nature of web development done by a happy volunteer who has lots of new ideas that will cause change.

The primary purpose of the site is to help all the siblings and cousins to find out what's happening regarding family, good stuff, and not so good stuff. Memorials might be found here, or not. Reunions might be found here, or not. We'll do our best.

The secondary purpose of the site is to host the Family Genealogy. This is a major labour of love on the part of those who would like to contribute. Hopefully the organization chosen to illustrate our heritage will suffice to ensure you can easily find people you have questions about.

If anyone has any questions, please contact Suzanne Baril (daughter of Lucienne Bourbeau and Jacques Baril).